Pro Business
To get the best out of your team you have to lead from the top. So if you have not invested in your own development as a manager, performance managing your employees and associates will be a challenge.
This is where we can help you and your organisation develop a performance management strategy and plan using these simple tools:
Organisational Development Plan
L&D (Learning & Development) Plan
Accredited Leadership & Management Training
Pro Business
If you’re a busy business owner or manager we understand time and resources are always scarce but maybe it’s time you thought of investing in your business and your team so you can improve your bottom line.
We can design an individual training programme for your company and your employee’s by delivering:
In-house Training Programmes
Bespoke Training Programmes
Open Course Training Programmes

Pro Business
Our HR / Performance / Leadership & Management courses are focused on people, industry, regulation and law:
Leadership & Management (ILM L2-7)
Team Leading & Supervisory Skills (ILM L2+3)
Coaching and Mentoring (ILM L3-7)
Interviewing and Recruitment
Discipline and Grievance Procedure
Appraisal Training
Personal Development
Change Management
Assertive Behaviour
Delegation Skills
Time Management
Stress & Conflict Management
Pro Business
Invite us in for a ‘Free of Charge’ meeting with one of our HR/L+D Advisors and we will use our Organisational Development diagnostic tools to help you form a Development Plan for the business and Learning Plans for each employee’s to help you propel your team forward so they work to their potential at all times.
If you want to undertake your own Development Plan for your business and create Learning Plans for each of your employee’s that fine but if you would like a little helping hand ‘as and when required’ then great, we can help you create and embed a staff appraisal and review system into your business with our HR & Performance solutions from £197+VAT*
If you are ‘time starved’ and know you won’t be able to carry out what’s required to propel your team into an optimised team that works for you at all times, it might be worth considering outsourcing your HR & Performance management to specialists like ourselves who will ensure your staff appraisals and reviews are carried out regularly (and to the highest standards) to ensure you have continued business success. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help you get your business on track, with performing leaders working from the top down and to implemnt processes and procedures in your business so you can drive your business forward to the next level. Call us on: 0844 870 7568 or email: info@reallypro.co.uk